If you have traveled or are required to travel for business purposes and your end client has not already reimbursed you for the associated costs, you may be eligible to claim them through Oncore's Salary Packaging service.
Oncore provides the opportunity for you to salary package your business-related expenses. This is not a direct reimbursement of the expense but an offset against your taxable income resulting in greater take-home pay for you. The expenses that you can claim include your mobile phone, internet connection, software purchases, study, self-education, etc.
These are expenses that relate to your current contract that Oncore is managing.
Relevant Expenses include:
- Accommodation
- Business Flight
- Car Rental
- Daily Travel Allowance
- Parking & Tolls
- Public Transport
- Taxis
- A range of expenses are available to be claimed when you travel for work-related purposes
- One business trip can incur a range of relevant expenses and, where it involves an overnight stay, a travel allowance for meals and incidentals is available
- The travel needs to be primarily for business purposes and to a location that is alternative to your usual place of business
- Travel to your usual place of business from your home is not claimable
- Receipts are required to verify the claimed amount (travel allowance excepted)
- Additional guidelines follow, however, please contact Oncore for further clarification
Car Rental
- The short term rental of a car (and associated fuel), required to facilitate business travel to a secondary location, is claimable
- Where the rental period is greater than a week, a log book needs to be maintained
- A rental agreement is required to verify the claimed amount as well as a tax invoice substantiating the charges incurred.
Daily Travel Allowance
- An allowance for meals and incidentals is available to be claimed on overnight business travel (to a location other than your primary business location)
- The work performed whilst traveling needs to be directly billable to the end client. If not, a clear explanation is required which outlines the nature of the travel and its relevant connection to your contracted employment
- No receipts are required however, it is expected that associated expenditure will be claimed which verifies the travel period (flights, accommodation, etc)
- Where the end client has paid for any associated expenditure, please declare this on the claim form where required
Parking & Tolls
- Parking and Tolls are only claimable where they have been incurred in travel to a secondary business location
- Travel expenses incurred in your daily commute are not claimable (including any parking or tolls)
International Travel
You are required to advise us of any overseas business travel. There are more stringent compliance requirements and variables which require we have a better understanding of the situation.
The following questions are asked to help identify and calculate the claimable component of any overseas trip:
- What is the nature of the work being performed?
- Is the client being billed for the work?
- If not, has the client requested the work be undertaken?
- What is the expected duration of the work component?
- What is the total duration of the trip?
- Does the trip have a private component?
- Is the client providing any allowance or paying for any related expenses?
Where the travel is for self-education purposes (i.e. Course/Conference/Seminar) the additional questions are asked:
- What is the nature of the activity being undertaken?
- How is it related to your current employment?
- Is this activity available to be undertaken closer to home (is there a similar course offered locally etc)?
- If so, why is it being undertaken overseas?
- Documentary evidence is required to verify the claim (including a course outline/itinerary where applicable)
- A travel diary is required if the trip is greater than five nights (including transit time)
If, after reading this article, you are still unsure what types of expenses you may be able to claim under this category, please either send us an email at supportaus@oncoreservices.com, or phone us on 1300 654 484 and we will strive to answer any of your questions.