I've finished my registration process. Where can I find my timesheets to enter?

If Oncore has everything we need, please allow 24h - 48h for the file setup and access to the timesheets.

Thank you for being diligent in completing your registration process and Workpro.

The next step of the process is, we review your submissions to ensure we have correctly provided information and if we aren't waiting on anything else from your recruiter/agency, we will progress your file to our configuration team, who will set your file up for payroll.

If we are waiting on anything else from your recruiter/agency, we will continue to follow up with them.

The process to set you up for payroll generally takes between 24-48 business hours to complete, as it requires manual intervention (the information you complete via the online system isn't entered automatically into the payroll system).  Depending on when you complete the process will depend on what day you will receive your logins to timesheet portal.

Once your file has been completed, our Onboarding Team will issue you your login credentials via email, along with some brief information about how to submit, what service is offered to you, when you can expect your first pay and what your pay cycle will be.

We can be contacted on supportaus@oncoreservices.com or via Ph: 1300 654 484 should you wish to speak with someone.