I'm using Oncore's funding. What bank account details do I need to provide to my clients for invoice payments?

If you've signed up to Oncore's funded service model, you'll need to know the correct bank account details to give your clients.

When you are onboarded with Oncore, we'll set up an account in the name of your agency. This bank account will allow access to Oncore's funding, and will also appear on the invoices raised by Oncore on your agency's behalf.

It is important that your clients are provided with these bank account details to forward payment to; as it is a condition of us funding the payroll component of the invoice that we receive the invoice payment into this account.

In the event that a client can only have one bank account on file, please ensure that the above details are listed. Our funding is conditional on your clients paying into this nominated account.

If you need to receive funds for permanent placement fees from your clients, we will contact you directly to confirm and forward these funds to your bank account within 24 hours of receipt. We may ask you for additional information or remittance advice in order to process.