Oncore Help Site - Recruiter
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Oncore Help Site - Recruiter
Worker Onboarding
Getting Started
Worker Onboarding
Contractor Management
Worker Onboarding
How does Oncore manage follow ups with my workers during the onboarding process?
How will I know once my worker has been onboarded?
How soon after completing the registration process will a worker receive their logins to the online portal?
I sent a new worker through some time ago and they've made contact to say they don't have access to timesheets. What's going on?
My worker has queried what they should select on the Basis of Employment question on the TFN. Full Time, Part Time or Casual
One of my end clients has their own timesheet/invoicing portals. Can my worker use their online portal rather than Oncore's?
I am engaging a new worker who has an ABN, but it looks like they're a sole trader, can I still engage them under this ABN?
I am engaging a new worker who has an ABN, but it looks like it's a trust, can I still engage them under a Trust?
I am engaging a new worker who has an ABN, but it looks like it's a partnership ABN, can I still engage them under this type of ABN?
My worker doesn't want to supply their personal details or ID via the online registration link. Can you confirm that the details are secure?
My worker doesn't want to consent to having their details shared with other parties once provided to Oncore
My Pty Ltd worker doesn't have Professional Indemnity (PI) or Public Liability (PL) Insurance, can they use Oncore's?
My worker is saying they are having issues accessing the Workpro Module.
Where can my worker find the Token Code to complete Workpro?
Where can my worker find their username and password for Workpro?
My worker keeps getting looped back to the multiple choice questions on Module 11 of Workpro, why is that?
My worker is saying they completed the Workpro module, but their profile shows another module still to complete
How does my worker complete the OC01 module via Workpro?