What are the key differences between all of the timesheet reports I have available to me?

There are a number of timesheet reports available in Oncore's portal. Here are the key differences so that you can make the most of your reporting.

Each timesheet report that you have access to serves a unique purpose, and the reports can be used in conjunction with one another to paint a holistic view of your contract book's overall position with approved or unapproved work.


Overdue Timesheets Report.

The Overdue Timesheets report specifically picks up timesheets that have not yet been submitted by your workers or that have been rejected by approvers (and require resubmission). For timesheet periods that run Monday - Sunday, a timesheet registers as "Overdue" after 12pm on the Monday following the conclusion of the period.

For example if the Monday - Sunday period runs from the 01/01 - 07/01, then the timesheets will become "Overdue" from 12pm on the 08/01. While this doesn't necessarily mean that the timesheet won't be approved and paid on time, it does mean that any workers with timesheets that meet the overdue criteria will start to receive submission reminder emails from Oncore (we take care of this automatically).

We advise during our worker onboarding process that workers should submit their timesheets prior to 12pm on the Monday following the conclusion of the period - to best give their approvers ample time to review and approve timesheets before payroll is due for processing. 

While you may wish to monitor this report on a weekly basis, especially knowing that Oncore chase the overdue timesheets for you, it can be helpful to keep track of any workers who might be missing submitted timesheets for an extended period of time. Especially if you believe that they should be working and logging time. Delays in logging timesheets can also result in invoicing delays, which means you could be waiting longer to receive funds from your clients.


Unapproved Timesheets Report.

The Unapproved Timesheets report is designed to show you timesheets that currently have a "Submitted" status. This means that the timesheet has been submitted by the worker but has not yet been "Approved" by their timesheet approver. Oncore sends a timesheet approval request email automatically to nominated approver(s) when a worker submits their timesheet, and then daily reminders for every day the timesheet remains outstanding. We enact this process to ensure that workers have the best possible chance of their timesheet being review and approved in time for payroll.

When sending welcome emails to approvers, we advise them of the importance of timely approval and outline steps to take should they not be able to approve timesheets. We ask that they email us at supportaus@oncoreservices.com if they to nominate an alternate approver.  In order to mitigate timesheet fraud, we will not enact approver changes that are advised only by your workers. It is important that we receive approver changes from either your agency, or your worker's current timesheet approver(s).

You can use the Unapproved Timesheets report to track which timesheets have approval outstanding. This may be useful to do on a more consistent basis, as it will assist you in keeping track of any approvers where there might be approval issues or delays - it will also highlight workers who may be at risk of missing payroll.


Approved Timsheets Report.

The Approved Timesheets report shows you granular information relating to all timesheets that have been approved for the selected period. You will need to select the date period that you would like to pull the data for (and whether you want this to be period date or approved date), and then you can see full details of all timesheets that have been approved. These details include units worked by the worker, project codes, notes and margin breakdown. 

Rather than assisting with timesheet and approver chasing, this report can be useful when looking at approved timesheets that have been or will be invoiced; reviewing the worker payroll amounts, margin and expected invoice rates for your clients. In lieu of invoice reporting, you could use some of the data in this report to assist with predicting cashflow.